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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Schema theory is formed on the basis of the old knowledge and new information through “assimilation’’ and “accommodation’’. It is also the positive organization of experience in the past. Schema theory is the cognitive structure of representing the knowledge of people or the environment. In addition to, schema theory is an abstraction of a whole and focuses on the similarities of many examples. Schema theory studies how to characterize knowledge and how to take a unique step to make the characterization of knowledge conducive to the application of knowledge theory.

     This paper is mainly discussed according to the following content. Firstly, the factors of affecting cross-cultural communication will be explained according to schema theory in legal documents. Secondly, the individual examples of each factor will be set out. Finally, some measures of improving student’s intercultural communication will be taken according to these factors, such as schematic memory method, social interaction schemata and cultural schemata. The main task is to help students develop the ability of cross-cultural communication through these schemata.


Keywords: intercultural communication  schema theory  development 





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two The literature Review of Schema Theory-2

Chapter Three The Factors of Affecting Intercultural Communication-4

3.1 The Problem of Understanding-4

3.1.1 The Foundation of Vocabulary-4

3.1.2 Mishearing of Vocabulary-4

3.2 The Principle of Conversation-5

3.3 The Culture’s Factor-5

3.3.1 Differences of Education-5

3.3.2 Differences of Morality And Behavior-6

3.3.3 Differences of Family-6

Chapter Four The Development of Intercultural Communication Based on Schema Theory-8

4.1 Schematic Memory Method Used in Word Expansion-8

4.2 Social Interaction Schemata Applied in Code of Conduct-8

4.2.1 A Kind of Self-awareness And Judgment Reflected in Self-schemata-9

4.2.2 Appropriate Behavior According to the Context of Social Communication Situations Based on Context Schemata-9

4.2.3 The Development of Intercultural Communication Based on Procedural Schemata-9

4.3 Cultural Schemata Used in the Understanding of Cultural Differences-10

4.3.1 Activation of Cultural Schema-10

4.3.2 A New Cultural Schemata Constructed in Cross-cultural Communication-10

Chapter Five Conclusion-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:这篇论文主要内容有以下几点:第一,以图式理论为依据,分析影响跨文化交际的因素;第二,每个因素被举例说明;最后,根据这些因素,运用相对应的图式理论,采取措施来提高大......
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