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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:John Updike is recognized as one of the most versatile and prolific American authors of the contemporary period. Of his numerous works, Rabbit tetralogy represents his highest point of success. Rabbit Redux which is the second volume of the series is a book with historicity which is achieved by Updike’s integrating many social events and typical characters into the fiction. Through analyzing the image of the black militant Skeeter, this thesis probes into the awakening of blacks’ national consciousness as well as the bewilderment of the whites brought by the turbulent 1960s America so to help the readers make an in-depth comprehension of racial discrimination and the impact of civil rights movement brings to the whole society.


Keywords:  Skeeter  Rabbit Redux  racial discrimination  civil rights movement

           national consciousness





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Introduction to Updike and Rabbit Redux-1

1.2 The Significance of the Thesis-2

1.3 The Structure of the Thesis-3

Chapter Two Civil Rights Movement in 1960s-4

2.1 Main Reasons for Civil Rights Movement-4

2.1.1 Racial Discrimination-4

2.1.2 The Counter-culture Movement-5

2.1.3 The Vietnam War-5

2.2 The Influence of Civil Rights Movement-6

Chapter Three Skeeter, a Black Militant-8

3.1 The Disillusion of the Dream for Equality-8

3.2 The Awakening of National Consciousness-9

3.3 The Winner in the Fight against the Whites-11

Chapter Four Conclusion-13


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:通过分析黑人好战分子斯基特,探讨了20世纪60年代美国黑人民族意识的觉醒以及动荡的年代带给白人的困惑和迷惘,从而帮助读者深入理解种族歧视和民权运动给整个社会带......
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