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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Along with the unceasingly thorough development of the reform and the quickening of global economic integration, the economy of our country has been undertaking great changes. More and more foreign-controlled companies invest in China, which brings much vitality into our country’s traditional enterprises. However, every coin has two sides. The employees with different cultural background would inevitably have some difficulties in communicating with each other, which is quite disadvantageous to the development of the enterprises. Employees (both foreign and Chinese), as members of foreign-funded companies, should develop cross-cultural adaptation competence so as to adjust themselves to a new working and living environment, which has a deep and far significance to both foreign employees and local employees in foreign-funded enterprises. This paper will first make a brief introduction to the main topic, and then in the second chapter, the present study of the relevant subject both at home and abroad will be presented. And in the third chapter, causes that influence performances of employees of foreign-funded enterprises will be analyzed according to the findings of questionnaire. The last chapter will lay emphasis on strategies on how to develop cross-cultural adaptation competence so that employees of foreign-funded enterprises can achieve effective intercultural communication.


Key Words:  cross-cultural adaptation competence  employees of foreign-funded enterprises strategies 





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background-1

1.2 Significances of Developing Cross-Cultural Adaptation Competence for Foreign Employees-1

1.2.1 Avoiding Cultural Conflicts in Business-1

1.2.2 Maintaining a Harmonious Relationship among Its Employees-2

1.2.3 Keeping Foreign Talents Stay-2

1.3 Research Method-2

1.4 The Structure of the Paper-3

Chapter Two Literature Review-4

2.1 Definition of Cross-Cultural Adaptation Competence-4

2.2 The Present Study of the Relevant Subject both at Home and Abroad-4

Chapter Three Causes Influencing Performances of Employees of Foreign-Funded Enterprises-6

3.1 Cultural Differences-6

3.1.1 Differences in Languages-7

3.1.2 Differences in Time Concept-7

3.1.3 Differences in Behavior Norms-8

3.2 Decrease of Social Support-8

3.3 Individual Variation-8

Chapter Four Strategies of Developing Cross-Cultural Adaptation Competence-9

4.1 Overcoming Language Barriers-9

4.2 Learning Culture-9

4.2.1 Cultivating Cultural Identity-10

4.2.2 Intercultural Training Methods in Working Practice-10

4.2.3 Helping Foreign Employees to Be Clear about Their Right Role in Work-11

4.3 Enhancing Support for Foreign Employees’ Families-11

Chapter Five Conclusion-13



上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:这篇论文将首先简要介绍文章的主旨,在第二章节本文将从国内外陈述本文的文献,文章的第三部分将根据问卷调查的结果分析影响外企员工表现的因素,最后一部分将着重介绍跨文化......
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