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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Formulae are the fixed or formulated mode formed in a long progress of communication of language users. They are the programmed or ready-made language materials, and the constitutive phrases with certain discourse purpose and format. As an important one of field linguistics research, English political news language has been studied by scholars in many aspects. But there is little profound study about English political news formula. Based on English context research and the formulaic language of political news language, the thesis discusses specific condition political news formula used in public discourse, and the operation mechanism of news formulae in discourse analysis. It may provide certain theoretical and practical guidance for the news language’s function. Besides, it also has great significance on linguistics.

Based on the related materials of English political news, this thesis attempts to make a brief arrangement of formulaic system studied by scholars at home and abroad, and studies English political news formulae from the perspective of Speech Act.

The paper illustrates the related introduction from five aspects. The first chapter makes a brief presentation of research background, significance and structure of this thesis. The second chapter makes a brief arrangement of Speech Act Theory and formula. It analyzes formula from the definition, characteristics, categories and function. On this basis it makes a creative study on English political news formula, summarizing the features of English political news formula. Based on some relevant materials of English political news, Chapter three makes an analysis of English political news formulae from the perspective of Speech Act, analyzing news formulae in the materials and sorting them out. Chapter four is the conclusion of the whole thesis, pointing out the limitations of the thesis and prospects of the further study. 

Due to little relevant research on political news formula, it is still a field that has not been exploited; therefore, this thesis just makes an attempt and a plain study in it. Specific conclusions will still be conducted by more scholars to make further study.


Keywords:  Speech Act Theory  formula  news language  English political news formulae





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Motivations and Significance of the Thesis-1

1.3 Structure of the Thesis-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-2

2.1 Speech Act Theory-2

2.1.1 Introduction-2

2.1.2 Classifications of Acts-2

2.2 English Political News Formula-4

2.2.1 Definition of Formula-4

2.2.2 Categories and Characteristics of Formula-5

2.2.3 Function of Formula-5

2.2.4 Present Studies on Formulaic System-6

2.2.5 Tentative Studies on English Political News Formulae-7

Chapter Three Analyses of English Political News Formulae from Perspectives of Speech Act-9

3.1 Locutionary Act of English Political News Formulae-9

3.2 Illocutionary Act of English Political News Formula-9

3.3 Perlocutionary Act of English Political News Formula-10

3.4 Analyses on the Whole-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-13

4.1 Summary of the Thesis-13

4.2 Limitations of the Thesis-13

4.3 Further Study-13


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:从四个方面来来阐述相关论点。第一章对本篇论文的研究背景、意义及整体框架作简要概述。第二章对前人关于言语行为理论及套语的研究进行相关梳理,从言语行为理论和套语的定义......
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