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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Just as every culture has its own words, they also have their unique language of time. Affected by all aspects, the concepts of time in different cultures have different even contrary meanings, which will inevitably lead to communication obstacles or even conflicts in the practice of cross-cultural communication. The understanding and treatment of different time concepts in cross-cultural communication has become an unavoidable question. In order to promote the smooth intercultural communication between China and the west, both sides need to learn about each other’s concepts of time.

Time is a common cognitive concept and means of communication in human society. Yet, due to the numerous differences in philosophical outlook, cultural historical background, and social model, the concepts of time of China and the west, differ greatly from each other. That is to say, as to the intangible yet objective existence of time, people from different cultural regions have different understanding, which in return is proof of the differences. As the concepts of time are developed naturally in social practice, people from different cultures will instinctively use their own concepts of time in cross-cultural communication; what’s more, they will take it for granted that they have handled the time properly. Therefore, communication failures caused by different notions of time occur quite often. Any communication activities are inevitably closely related to this element of the time through verbal and nonverbal behavior. 

This paper provides an exploration of the causes of the differences of the concept of time between China and the west, as well as the impact on intercultural communication, which is meant to make people fully aware of the differences, respect each other's concept of time, reduce cross-cultural communication barriers and conflicts, improve the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication, and promote cultural exchanges between the trades.


Keywords: Chinese and western  the concept of time  cross-culture





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Cross-cultural Comparison-2

2.1 Past-oriented and Future-oriented Time-2

2.1.1 Past-oriented China-2

2.1.2 Future-oriented America-5

2.2 Monochronic-Time and Polychronic-Time-6

2.2.1 M-time (American Time) and Individualism-7

2.2.2 P-time (Chinese Time) and Collectivism-8

2.3 Linear and CircularTime Perspective-10

Chapter Three Conclusion-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文拟对东西方时间观念作一些比较,探讨时间观念产生差异的原因以及这些差异对跨文化交际的影响,以使人们充分认识到差异,尊重彼此的时间观,减少跨文化交际障碍和冲突,提高......
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