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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Interpretation is a kind of art. Learning interpretation begins with consecutive interpretation (CI) training. For many novices, it is a big problem to balance note-taking and working memory (or short-term memory) in CI. Nevertheless, it is important that novices learned to balance the two skills in CI. To prove the point of view, this thesis briefly shows the functions and features of note-taking and working memory in CI first. Then a test is done to find the problems that novices have in balancing note-taking and working memory in CI. In order to solve the problems based on the findings, some solutions are proposed and experiments are performed to verify the effectiveness of the ways to balance note-taking and working memory for CI novices.


Keywords: consecutive interpretation  note-taking  working memory





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Functions and Features of Working Memory and Note-taking in CI-2

2.1 Functions and Features of Working Memory-2

2.1.1 Functions of Working Memory-2

2.1.2 Features of Working Memory-3

2.2 Functions and Features of Note-taking-4

2.2.1 Functions of Note-taking-4

2.2.2 Features of Note-taking-4

2.3 The Influence of Note-taking and Working Memory on Performing CI-5

Chapter Three A Test Done to Find Problems in Balancing Note-taking and Working Memory in CI-6

3.1 Subjects-6

3.2 Materials-6

3.3 Procedure-7

3.4 Analysis of Findings-7

3.5 Conclusion-12

Chapter Four Ways to Balance Note-taking and Working Memory in CI-13

4.1 Theoretical Foundation— Gile’s Effort Model of CI-13

4.2 Ways to Balance Note-taking and Working Memory in CI-14

4.3 Experimental Works Performed to Test Effectiveness of the Ways to Balance Note-taking and Working Memory in CI-15

4.3.1 Experiment 1-15

4.3.2 Experiment 2-18

Chapter Five Conclusion-22


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文首先分别阐述了交替传译中笔记和脑记的作用和特点,在通过测验分析找出初学者在平衡交替传译中的笔记和脑记存在的问题后,就如何平衡交替传译中笔记和脑记探究了方......
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