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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:Shadowing Exercise has been used in English studying since 80s the last century, and its uses have been mostly restricted in simultaneous interpretation training. In the application of this method, the researcher found that the method which the students read in the same kind of language with original language synchronously would improve their listening and speaking abilities at the same time. Therefore, Shadowing Exercise is widely used in the research of language teaching and practice. English listening and speaking abilities are closely linked which can not be separated and Shadowing Exercise is an effective method to train listening and speaking simultaneously. 

This paper will discuss mainly on the application of Shadowing Exercise in English listening and speaking learning, specifically,choosing materials for Shadowing Exercise, the procedures of using Shadowing Exercise, issues we may meet and methods to resolve them. This paper will give some helps on improving the students’ listening and speaking abilities through reasonable using of materials and Shadowing Exercise.


Keywords:  Shadowing Exercise  listening abilities  speaking abilities





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two the Development of Shadowing Exercise-3

2.1 The Definition of Shadowing Exercise-3

2.2 The Development and Advantages of Shadowing Exercise-3

2.3 Types of Shadowing Exercise-4

Chapter Three the Problems Existed in University Students’ English Listening and Speaking Abilities-6

3.1 Incorrect Listening and Speaking Methods-6

3.2 Lack of Vocabularies and the Cultural Knowledge of English Speaking Countries-6

3.3 Poor Phonetic Knowledge-7

3.4 Have No Confidence in Speaking-7

Chapter Four The Applications of Shadowing Exercise in Improving English Listening and Speaking Abilities-8

4.1 Before Shadowing Exercise-8

4.1.1 Choosing Material for Shadowing Exercise-8

4.1.2 Using Script in Shadowing Exercise-10

4.1.3 Making a Shadowing Exercise Target-10

4.2 In Shadowing Exercise-11

4.3 After Shadowing Exercise-14

4.4 Problems Students Facing During Shadowing Exercise-14

Chapter Five Conclusion-15


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文将主要讨论影子学习法在英语听说学习中的应用,具体来说就是选材,使用流程,将会遇到的问题和如何解决等。本文将对通过影子学习法和学习材料的合理利用来提高学生的听说......
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