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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:In daily communication, vague language forms a considerable part of language use. Even in the business news reporting emphasizing accuracy and actuality, vague language is also indispensable. Based on the studies on vague language, the thesis mainly analyzes the vague language in the business news in China Daily, the most influential English newspaper in China.

The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction. The second chapter introduces the research background and definition of vague language. The third chapter analyzes the vague language in business news in China Daily. The fourth chapter explores the pragmatic functions of vague language. And the last chapter is the conclusion. This paper hopes to help readers have a better understanding of language vagueness and its function in journalistic language.


Keywords:  China Daily  vague language  business news    pragmatic functions





Chapter One Introduction-1

Chapter Two Vague Language-2

2.1 Research Background-2

2.2 Definitions of Vague Language-2

Chapter Three Vague Language in Business News in China Daily-4

3.1 Numbers as Approximations-4

3.1.1 Approximate Quantities with Round Numbers-4

3.1.2 Use a Precise Number with a Vague Meaning-4

3.1.3 Use a Plural Number Name to Approximate a Quantity-4

3.2 Non-numerical Vague Quantifiers as Approximations-5

3. 3 Determiners-6

3.4 Prepositions-6

3.5 Adverbs of Degree-6

3.6 Adjectives Having Different Degrees-7

3.7 Expressions of Time and Dates-7

3.8 Indefinite Pronouns-8

Chapter Four Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language-8

4.1 Making the Language More Cautious and Scientific-9

4.1.1 Lacking Specific Information-9

4.1.2 Displacement-9

4.1.3 Self-protection-9

4.2 Giving the Right Amount of Information According to the Context-10

4.3 Making Language More Persuasive and Impressive-10

4.4 Making Language More Concise and Efficient-11

Chapter Five Conclusion-11


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:第二章介绍了研究背景以及模糊语言的定义。第三章分析了《中国日报》中经济新闻中的模糊语言。第四章探讨了模糊语言的语用功能。最后一章是结论。本文希望能够帮助读者更好的......
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