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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:With economic globalization, the development of international trade and the rise of electronic commerce technology, foreign trade English correspondence is playing a crucial role in international business communication. However, in view of the improper use of euphemism, the event of business partners, especially the newly developed customers giving up the cooperation often occurs, business practitioners should pay much attention to the importance of euphemism from multiple levels in the writing of foreign trade English correspondence. So the full study of the characteristics and application of the euphemism is of practical significance for business activity.

This paper studies the characteristics of euphemism in foreign trade English correspondence and summarizes the application of euphemism based on some practical cases in foreign trade English correspondence. This research also has positive significance for foreign language teaching, translation and other applied linguistics.


Keywords:euphemism  foreign trade English correspondence  electronic commerce





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Study-1

1.2 The Significance of the Study-1

1.3 The Structure of the Paper-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Euphemism-3

2.1.1 Definition of Euphemism-3

2.1.2 Category of Euphemism-3

2.1.3 Social Functions of Euphemism-5

2.2 Previous Studies of Euphemism on Foreign Trade Correspondence-7

Chapter Three Euphemism in Foreign Trade English Correspondence-9

3.1 The Characteristics of Euphemism in Foreign Trade English Correspondence-9

3.1.1 Tone of Equality-9

3.1.2 Attitude of Affinity-9

3.1.3 Proper Context-10

3.1.4 The Correct Use of Personal Pronoun-10

3.1.5 The Polite and Moderate Tone of Expression-11

3.2 The Application of Euphemism in Foreign Trade English Correspondence-12

3.2.1 The Flexible Use of Subjunctive Mood-12

3.2.2 The Good Use of Passive Voice-13

3.2.3 The Subtle Use of Tense Backwards-14

3.2.4 The Proper Use of Negtive Method-14

3.2.5 The Effective Use of Vague Language-15

Chapter Four Conclusion-16


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:鉴于外贸函电中委婉语使用不当而导致商业伙伴、尤其是刚开发的新客户不愿再合作的事件屡有发生,商务从业者应从多个层次注意委婉语在外贸函电写作中的重要性,因此就委婉语的......
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