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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:西部姑娘 更新时间:2016-10-27
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Abstract:In the process of cultural communication, the communication of English has become the important tool of western countries’ cultural hegemony. Now English culture displays itself in Chinese university campus incisively, fully and vividly. The article mainly focuses on the meaning, essence and demonstration of English cultural hegemony, and its impacts and challenges to Chinese university campus culture. On this basis, the paper discusses systematically the coping strategies of Chinese universities and measures of improving the soft power of Chinese culture in order to boycott western culture. The universities must strengthen their main culture and spirit, protect cultural boundary well and maintain safety of campus culture, and then they will not lose themselves when integrating into the world.


Key words: cultural communication   English culture   campus culture   soft power





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Significance of the Study-1

1.2 Organization of the Paper-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-2

Chapter Three The Influence of English Culture on the Campus Culture-4

3.1 “English Hot” on Campus-4

3.1.1 More English Learners in Chinese Universities-4

3.1.2 The Overwhelming Importance of English Tests on Campus-4

3.2 The Influence on Students-5

3.2.1 The Values of Students-5

3.2.2 The Life of Students-5

3.2.3 The Study of Students-5

Chapter Four The Construction of Campus Culture and Its Significance-7

Chapter Five Measures of Building Campus Culture in the Context of English Culture Hegemony-9

5.1 Enrich the Mainstream Culture-9

5.2 Hold Various Cultural Activities-9

5.3 Enhance Chinese Language and Culture Courses-10

5.4 Strengthen the Construction of Campus Network-11

Chapter Six Conclusion-12


上传会员 西部姑娘 对本文的描述:本文系统论述了英语文化在中国大学校园的表现和影响、对中国大学校园文化的冲击和挑战,在此基础上,分析中国大学校园的应对策略、中国提高文化软实力抵制英语文化侵略的措施......
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