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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-05
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Abstract:Doris Lessing is one of the famous writers in the history of British literature, and she is also the owner of 2007 Nobel Literature Prize. It is a changeable period of Western feminism in the 1960s, and the Golden Notebook was published in 1962, once the book appeared, it has been considered as a landmark of feminism because of her description on free feminist, and it was also regarded as the Bible of the feminist.

The Golden Notebook is a book record of a female---Anna, and there is a story and five notebooks in this book. Black note stands for her writer's life, red note for political life, yellow note for love life, blue note for the spiritual life, and the golden notebook is a philosophical statement. Its colorfulness reflects the hero’s lost soul in the chaotic world. In the cultural center of the patriarchal society, women have to live in the contradictions and predicament. The predicament that Anna encounters is not her own personal experience, the description of Anna's Lessing survival predicament is actually a description of post-war generation of women's survival plight, and then it has a certain universality, and this is the main reason for the works widely accepted by other women and feminist.

This paper aims to understand the Doris Lessing's unique views of feminism by analyzing the protagonist Anna's growth experience in the Golden Notebook and through the discussion of the characters. At the same time, the paper based on previous studies of the works will dig out the modern significance of feminism more deeply.

Key words: feminism; free; the Golden Notebook; Anna






1. Introduction to the Author and the Golden Notebook 1

1.1 Brief Introduction to the Author

1.2 Introduction to the Golden Notebook

2. Introduction to Feminism 2

2.1 Definition and Origin

2.2 Feminist Influence upon Doris Lessing

3. Anna Wulf as a Free Woman 4

3.1 Pursuit of the Political Liberty

3.2 Pursuit of the Freedom of Love

4. Anna Wulf —a Woman without Freedom 6

4.1 Oppression from Patriarchal Society

4.2 Paradoxical Inner World

5. Conclusion 8


Bibliography  .   

Acknowledgements   ..   

上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文旨在通过分析《金色笔记》的主人公安娜的成长经历和通过对人物性格的探讨,来了解多丽丝·莱辛独特对于女性主义的见解,同时以前人对该作品的研究为基础,更加深入地挖掘出......
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