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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:Language is changing and developing all the time. Vocabulary, as the most active is part of a language. This paper mainly explores the acceptance and disappearance of new words, through analyzing the cases of new words finds out that new words have been accepted for three main reasons: new technology, convenience and positive value; the three main reasons for the disappearance of new words are semantic change of new words, disappearance of some phenomena and negative value. This paper analyses the success or failure of new words is to get people to better understand new words in order to accept and use new vocabulary. 

Key words:New words; Development; Acceptance; Disappearance





1.Introduction 1

2.Literature Review. 2

3.Development of New Words 3

3.1 Appearance of New Words

3.2 Loan Words

3.3 Semantic Change of New Words

4. Acceptance and Disappearance of New Words4

4.1 Acceptance Causes of New Words

4.1.1 New technology

4.1.2 Convenience

4.1.3 Semantic Change

4.1.4 Positive Value   

4.2 Disappearance Causes of New Words

4.2.1 Semantic Change

4.2.2 Disappearances of some Phenomena

4.2.3 Negative Value 



Bibliography  10

Acknowledgments 11

上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:语言是不断变化发展的。词汇是语言最活跃的部分,大量涌现的新词汇在生活中日益增加。本文主要对新词的成败进行研究,通过对词例分析发现新词成功主要有以下三个原因:新的技......
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