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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:Brand name is important in business activity, thus the translation of brand name plays a vital role in international advertising campaign. Eugene A. Nida, in his Functional Equivalence Theory, holds that translation reproduces in the reader language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message in terms of meaning and style. According to the Functional Equivalence Theory, translation should follow the equivalence of sound, meaning and form. In this paper, three basic translation strategies for brand name are summarized in the light of “Functional Equivalence”, namely, literal translation, transliteration and flexible translation. In brand name translation practices, the translator should flexibly choose and utilize the mentioned translation methods so as to find the closest equivalent of the original brand name, thus stimulating consumers' desire for purchasing the products. 

Key words: brand names; Functional Equivalence; translation strategies






2.-Brand Names-1

2.1 Definition of Brand Names

2.2Formation of Brand Names

2.3Functions of Brand Names

2.3.1. Informative Function

2.3.2 Aesthetic Function

2.3.3 Vocative Function

3. Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory-5

3.1 Reader's Response

3.2 Cultural Transplantation in Functional Equivalence

3.3 Stylistic Equivalence in Functional Equivalence

4. The Application of Functional Equivalence Theory in Brand Name Translation-7

4.1 Principles of Brand Name Translation

4.1.1 Equivalence of Sound

4.1.2Equivalence of Meaning

4.1.3 Equivalence of Form

4.2 Translation Strategies of Brand Names-9


4.2.2Literal Translation

4.2.3 Flexible Translation

5. Conclusion-12


上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文在功能对等理论的指导下总结了三种基本的品牌名称的翻译策略,即直译,音译和灵活翻译。在品牌名称翻译实践中,译者应灵活的选择并运用本文提到的翻译方法,以便用最切近......
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