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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:Sexism in language arises as the result of the influence of certain communicative factors on language. The prevalence of sexism in language will inevitably have a negative effect on language learners and users, causing misleading barriers in their cognitive development. Based on the Theory of Sexism, this paper takes the English and Chinese language as an example, and makes comparative analysis of the phenomenon of female discrimination from the perspectives of vocabulary use and discourse style differences, etc. By comparing the phenomenon of female discrimination in English and Chinese language, the objective enlightenment of language use is discussed. The purpose is to avoid the deviation caused by the discrimination of the language, and also to improve the understanding of the social members on the language differences and language gender discrimination. It is of great significance to face up to the problem of sexism in language.

Key words: female discrimination; gender language; contrastive analysis of English and Chinese language; enlightenment.





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review and Theoretical Framework..2

2.1 Sexism

2.2 Comparisons from the Gender Perspective

2.3 Communicative Theory

2.4 Research Status at Home and Abroad

3. Comparison of Female Discrimination in English and Chinese..6

  3.1 Differences

   3.1.1 Vocabulary Use 

 3.1.2 Appellation

3.2 Similarities

 3.2.1 Oral Communication

 3.2.2 Discourse Style

4. Enlightenment of Language Application.10

4.1 Increasing People's Awareness of Language Differences and Gender Discrimination

4.2 Enhancing the Proper Use of Language in Communication

4.3 Eliminating the Female Discrimination in the Language Users’ Concept

5. Conclusion12




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文在性别歧视理论的基础上,以英汉语言为例,从词汇使用和话语风格差异等角度对女性歧视现象进行对比分析。通过对比英汉语言中的女性歧视现象探讨了其对语言运用带来的客观......
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