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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-06
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Abstract:Humor is the result of the comprehensive application of thought, knowledge, quality, intelligence and agility in the language. While rhetoric is a way of using specific language to achieve the effective result for a certain purpose. This paper aims to analyze the humor reflected in some rhetorical devices from the aspects of lexical rhetorical devices, syntactical rhetorical devices and phonological rhetorical devices, through giving numerous examples and hope to help the readers to understand, hence to appreciate the humor reflected in rhetorical devices. It is beneficial for the readers to have a detailed understanding of the humor reflected in the rhetorical devices. In addition, it is useful for people to apply humor correctly during the communication with others.

Key words: language; humor; rhetorical devices





1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review.......2

3. An Analysis of Humor Reflected in Some Rhetorical Devices..3

   3.1 Lexical Rhetorical Devices

    3.1.1 Simile

3.1.2 Metaphor

3.1.3 Oxymoron

    3.1.4 Irony

3.1.5 Pun

3.2 Syntactical Rhetorical Devices

   3.2.1 Repetition

3.2.2 Antithesis 

3.2.3 Parallelism

3.2.4 Rhetorical Question

3.2.5 Anticlimax

3.3 Phonological Rhetorical Devices

3.3.1 Onomatopoeia 

3.3.2 Alliteration

3.3.3 Pun

4. Conclusion11




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:幽默是思想、学识、品质、智慧和机敏在语言中综合运用的成果;而修辞是运用特定的语言表达形式以达到特定的语言效果的一种表达方式。本文将把修辞和幽默两个方面结合起来,......
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