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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-03
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Abstract:As we all know, constitutional mechanism and social interaction of American culture have close connection with each other. The balance and mechanism of restraint between the Supreme Court, Congress and the president have been gradually strengthened. Supreme Court not only established the power of judicial interpretation, but also balance the constitutional mechanism through the case of the trial. The trial of these cases has a profound impact on American society and culture. Especially like Brown v. Board of education, Roe v. Wade, etc., not only become later case basis, but also solve the segregation unconstitutional or not, free range definition of the basic problem, even for religious culture also produced far-reaching influence. American constitutional culture is one aspect of social culture. The constitutional mechanism plays a positive role in the development process of the stability in more than 200 years. Even for the case of Simpson, we can understand. After all, freedom and equality are the most important. To safeguard the freedom and to guard against the abuse of power is the ideological consciousness of the people. If you want to deeply understand all the aspects of American society through the cases accepted by the US supreme court, seeing how the American society change. You had better start from the development of American constitutionalism. In which you could not only have a better understand about American history but also the development of American society, even people’s thoughts, religion, culture and so on.   


Key words: US supreme court ; social influences ; important cases ; culture ; thoughts; constitutional government





Chapter One The development of constitutionalism in the United States-1

I.  Origin and Development of constitutionalism-1

Chapter Two Some cases accepted by the Supreme Court in the United States-3

I. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka-3

II.-Roe V.Wade,410 U.S.113,1973-4

III. Texas v. Johnson-6

Chapter Three The Influences on the United States -9

I.  To promote the civil rights movement and improve the education-9

II. Women have rights to make option whether give birth to a baby or not

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Constitutionalism is "a complex of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is limited by a body of fundamental law".......
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