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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-03
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Abstract:Theodore Dreiser was born in August 1871 in Indiana, he is the pioneer and representative writer of American modern novelists, and he is also a naturalist. His work Sister Carrie presents a clear picture of the American society at that time, people can see the real situation of the American society clearly, and “it still has great significance today to our life now."

    The thesis probes into the analysis of Dreiser’s philosophy of life in Sister Carrie, under the background of the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, the rapid development of capitalism made him have a better understanding about the world. There are three parts: firstly, it traces back to the background involving the novel, the author and his personal experience related to the writing so that we can get closer to the background; secondly, it discusses Dreiser’s philosophy formation. Thirdly, it analyzes the reflection of Dreiser’s philosophy in Sister Carrie, including people’s value under capitalism, human’s material desire, choice and survival.  In the end, the conclusion comes out by further presentation of his philosophy.

Sister Carrie has dealt with the modern man’s ordeal and his revolt against tradition, which reveals the reality. Conflicts between individual demands and age calls, between human nature and material has eliminated people’s ideal for the future. In this novel, the author's chose an obscure attitude towards life. He believes that capitalism is in control of everything, and people's desire dominates their behavior. Some irresistible force lead us to make choices, everyone should responsible for it. At the same time, the paper reflects a kind of modernity, and ultimately the fittest survival.


Key Words: Philosophy of Life; Capitalism; Survival; Material Desire; Choice





1. Introduction-1

1.1About Dreiser-1

1.2About Sister Carrie -2


2. The Formation of Dreiser’s Philosophy of Life.-4

2.1 Social and historical backgrounds-4

2.2 Notion of life philosophy-5

2.3Personal experience that influence Dreiser’s philosophy of life.-5

3. Reflection of life philosophy in Sister Carrie.-7

3.1 Everything was dominated by the society-7

3.2Be responsible for your choice-8

3.3Material –impetus of love-9

3.4 The matter is in motion-11

3.5The fittest survival-12




上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Dreiser, a great naturalism novelist, was born in 1871 in Indian State; he is the pioneer and representative writer of American modern novelists. His father is a good Christian, his mother is an uneducated housewife. Out of his despair upon ......
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