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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-03
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Abstract:Ernest Hemingway, famous American novelist and short-story writer, is the remarkable representative of the Lost Generation and the sixth Nobel Prize Winner for literature. The novel The Old Man and the Sea, was created by Hemingway in his latter years and is one of the representatives of his works. It meanly tells an experience of fishing of the old man Santiago. Hemingway is well known for profiling Hemingway Code Heroes. The old man Santiago in the novel is also a typical Hemingway Code hero. In this report we will focus on analyzing how the author presents heroism in The Old Man and the Sea. That’s the exact purpose of this research. First, I will interpret heroism of Santiago through the old man’s fight with the nature, the fate as well as himself. Then, compare the typical Hemingway Code Hero with Santiago and see the common and the difference. Third, analyze the heroism of Santiago in other images. Finally, we will discuss whether the heroism of the old man has practical significance in the modern age. This paper will take a deep research on the heroism of Santiago in the novel The Old Man and the Sea. 


Key Words:Heroism;Hemingway Code Hero; Fight;Nature; Fate





1.Introduction 1

1.1Indroduction of the author 1

 1.2Social background of the work..1

1.3Literary status of the work.2

1.4Purpose of the research..3

2. Interpretation of Heroism in the work .3

2.1Hemingway Code3

2.1.1Typical Hemingway hero 3

2.1.2Characteristics shared with other Hemingway heroes.4

    2.1.3The special characteristics of the old man.4

  2.2 How the work exemplifies the Hemingway Code.6

    2.2.1The fight between the old man and nature.6

    2.2.2The fight between the old man and himself.7

    2.2.3The fight between the old man and fate.7

2.3Heroism in other images in the work8

 2.3.1 Joe DiMaggio 8

 2.3.2 The boy 8

 2.3.3The young lion.8

2.4 Practical significance of the heroism in the work9

3. Conclusion..10


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Ernest Hemingway, American novelist and short-story writer, is the remarkable representative of the Lost Generation and the sixth American Nobel Prize Winner for literature. Both his writings and his personal life exerted a profound influenc......
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