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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-03
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Abstract:Communicative approach first appeared in the early 1970s, and the founder is the famous British linguist-Wilkins.After that, in the late 1970s, Sun Li, Xin Bin, Shi Bao Hui scholars began to introduce it into China. Because of the difference of the traditional teaching method and communicative teaching method, and in the classroom, China has been given priority to teachers, students are accustomed to sitting in the classroom passively to accept teachers’ teaching, but communicative teaching method is given priority to the students' autonomous learning, teacher's character is complementary, so the spread of communicative teaching in China has been facing various problems. At present, there are scholars according to China's conditions put forward the combination of traditional teaching method and communicative approach, take the communicative teaching as the main body, and at the same time use the essence of the traditional teaching methods, make the two kinds of teaching methods at the same time play a part.


Keywords: functional linguistics;sociolinguistics; language communicative competence; Two-way transfer of learning English; “Learning to use English”; the “learner-centered”






1.The emergence and spread of communicative teaching method -1

2.Questions in the process of understanding and acceptance of communicative approach -3

3.The nine major characteristics of the communicative approach -4

4.The rise of communicative teaching method in Europe…-5

5.The evaluation of communicative teaching method -6

5.1. The advantages -6

5.2. The shortcomings -6

6.Communicative teaching compared with traditional teaching method -7

6.1 Communicative approach -7

6.2 The traditional teaching method -7

6.3 Communicative teaching method compared with the traditional teaching method 8

6.3.1. Communicative language teaching cannot be separated from the grammar 10

6.3.2. True characteristics of communicative activities -10

6.3.3. The application of communicative approach in the classroom -11

6.3.4. Implementation of the principles of communicative teaching method should be paid attention to problem -12

7.Aiming at the problems facing in their communication in English-13


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:School of communicative thinks that the aim of language teaching is to cultivate students’ ability to using the target language for communication. Language teaching should not only about language structure but also include the content of t......
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