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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-03
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Abstract:Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP, for short) is an Asia-Pacific regional trade agreement being negotiated among 12 countries such as the United States, Canada and Japan. This thesis focuses on researching the influences due to the TPP on Asia-Pacific Area, including different types of countries and it also includes the economic and political influences.

The TPP was originally signed by Singapore, New Zealand, Chile and Brunei in 2005. They promised that they would give each other favored nation status and cooperate closer. Initially, TPP did not get much response from most countries. However, at present, it has been dominated by America. There can be no doubt that TPP has more and more far-reaching impact on Asia-Pacific Area, no matter member countries, or non-member countries. The economic strength and political position has improved rapidly after China joined WTO. So China has brought a great effect worldwide. Western countries such as the United States believe that this trend is ominous and disadvantaged in many ways. Therefore, since the United States announced to join TPP in 2008, it tried to turn the situation around that China played a great influence on Asia-Pacific region. This thesis will mainly analyze the impact of USA and the challenges China will face with. As the world's first trading power cargo, China takes more attention to the process of regional integration, including the TPP. TPP is the biggest free trade zone on a global scale, which makes up nearly 40 percent of the global economy. From an objective perspective, there is inevitably a negative impact on China from TPP. Although some people think that Chinese do not need to worry too much about that, simple absolute judgment is likely to lead to fallacious. For example, nobody has predicted that China would make an enormous impact when it joined WTO in 2001. At present, Asia-Pacific countries such as Korea and Indonesia have said that they want to join TPP. Therefore, TPP will expand its range in the future. China should not only evaluate the impact of TPP objectively, but also research it on a profound level and develop a correct strategy adjustment.


Key words: Asia-Pacific economy; influences of TPP; WTO; Sino-US relationship





1.Brief introduction of TPP.1

2.History of TPP development2

3.Background of TPP..4

4.Influences of TPP on Asia-Pacific Area...5

4.1.China: effects on various ways..5

4.1.1.Economic aspects..5

4.1.2.Political aspects.6

4.1.3.Security aspects.6

4.1.4.Industry aspects.7

4.1.5.What should China do...8

4.2.The benefits TPP can bring to USA.10

4.3.The influence TPP brings to Japan..12




上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:The purpose of TPP is to strengthen the relationship between member countries by enhancing cooperation in trade finance and investment. There are two prominent features: The first one is that a country with intention to join TPP needs to tal......
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