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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-05
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The translator has always been marginalized in traditional translation theory, the translator's subjective initiative in the translation activities is greatly ignored, and even defined as "servant". Thanks to the "cultural turn"of translation research, the translator began to be concerned about as a main character of translation activities, and the translator's subjectivity received due attention.

-Charlotte Bronte is a famous British novelist whose book "Jane Eyre" is a legendary work with autobiographical color and has been one of the objects of Chinese translation researchers from all angles.In the translation of "Jane Eyre", translated by Zhu Qingying, published by Shanghai Translation Publishing House has been widely acclaimed. This paper studies the contents and styles of the original author, and analyzes and compares the advantages and disadvantages of several translations, and analyzes the translator 's subjectivity in the translation activities as the main examples and the influence.

-According to the functional equivalence theory of Eugene A. Nida, the meaning of the translation work is as same important as the original work. Through the investigations and analysis we found that the translator 's subjectivity is influenced by various factors such as cultural background, translator' s quality and translator 's translation perspective, and is often influenced by the original work and the cultural background of the author. So the translator's subjectivity reflected in the translation of words,expressions and translation skills,which brought a unique color to the translation.


Key words:Translator’s subjectivity,Jane Eyre,Translation Research






1.Literature Review-4

    1.1 Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre-4

    1.2 Chinese versions of Jane Eyre and theirs translators-6

2.Translator's subjectivity-7

        2.1 Translator and translator's subjectivity-7

        2.1.1 Theoretical overview of translator's subjectivity-7

    2.1.2 Marginalized status if translator-8

    2.1.3 Cultural turn of translation research-8

    2.2 Influencing factors of translator's subjectivity-8

    2.2.1 Translator’s cultural background-8

    2.2.1 Translator’s personal qualities-9

        2.2.3 Translator’s translation perspective-9

    3.Translation and display of translator's subjectivity-9

3.1 Translation of words-9

    3.2 Translation of sentences-10




上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Literary translation is one of the important subjects in translation theory and translation practice. Charlotte Bronte's "Jane Eyre" has been translated into multiple Chinese versions since its inception and has been favored by many translat......
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