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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-07
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Madame Bovary, as one of Gustave Flaubert’s most famous work, vividly discloses the differentiation between the life of the rich and that of the common people and the inferior status of women in France during the period of the “July Monarchy” when France was in a dictatorship and almost dominated by the wealthy bourgeoisie. This thesis consists of five parts. The first part mainly introduces the background of the novel. The second part is about the literature review introducing the research both at home and abroad. The third part focuses on romanticism and the vulgar romanticism for which Bovary received unsuccessful education and formed distorted values. The forth part is about the bourgeois vulgar ideology in people’s mind, which is divided into “Money as everything” and “Male’s superior status to female”. The fifth part is the conclusion. This thesis analyses the tragedy of Madame Bovary from the view of vulgar culture which is comprised of the vulgar romanticism and the vulgar ideology existing in people’s mind, to a degree, thoroughly showing their negative effects on Bovary. And unable to deny the influences of economy and politics on the formation of the vulgar culture, my thesis also mingles them. It demonstrates the idea that culture influences humans’ spirit and behavior both directly and indirectly. And the gap between the negative illusion caused by the vulgar culture and reality reminds people to keep a balance. 


Key Words: Madame Bovary; vulgar culture; vulgar romanticism, vulgar ideology; money; bourgeoisie; social status




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

1.1 The Introduction of the Writer and the Book-1

2. Literature Review-3

3. Romanticism and Vulgar Romanticism-6

3.1 The introduction of Romanticism and Vulgar Romanticism-6

3.2 Vulgar Romanticism’s influences on Madame Bovary-6

4. Bourgeois Vulgar Ideology in People’s Mind-9

4.1 Money as Everything & Bourgeoisie’s Superior Status-9

4.2 Male’s Superior Status to Female-10

5. Conclusion-12


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:The story is about a farm girl, Emma who, however, had received aristocratic education. Emma was the wife of Charles Bovary, a doctor of a small town. She looked down upon her husband, dreaming of romantic love. She had adulterous affairs ......
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