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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-07
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Microlecture has caught the attention of the education system as well as scholars. This paper first looks at the definitions and historical context of the microlecture. Then it focuses on the evaluation systems that are currently in use, and conducts a comparative investigation and also conducts comparative analysis of several evaluation systems of the microlecture from different sources. Also, the author collects and summarizes literature from scholars who have probed into evaluation system already. Thirdly, this paper conducts a survey and several interviews to see the opinions and suggestions on microlecture evaluation systems from microlecture learners and producers. In the last part, the author provides some suggestions on constructing valid microlecture evaluation systems.


Key words: microlecture; evaluation; evaluation system; 




摘  要

I. Definitions and Current Status1

1.1 Origins and definitions of microlectures2

1.2 Development of microlecture in China 3

1.3 Relative experience abroad4

1.4 Underlying problems of microlecture 4

II. Current Evaluation Systems for Microlectures5

2.1 Comparison between NMC and NUMC on evaluation criteria 5

2.2 Criterion from other competitions7

2.3 Literature review on microlecture evaluating system 7

III. Survey and Interviews on the Microlecture Evaluation System12

3.1 Data analysis of the questionnaire----from learner’s perspective13

3.2 Data analysis of the interviews----from producer’s perspective18

IV. Suggestion and Conclusion23

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:It seems that people now are stepping into a “micro age”, micro blog, micro movie, micro novel and so on. In the field of education, there is another “micro” product----microlecture. Microlectures have been a heated topic due to the ......
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