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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-07
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Utopia is the place which people regard as the perfect place with the perfect social institution. And in most people’s eyes, Utopians can enjoy the equal social status of men and women, or of the privileged people and the ordinary people, and also they may lead the most comfortable life in the world. However, the truth tells us that there are some contradictory phenomena in Utopia. This thesis will mainly focus on two parts in terms of the contradiction including the conflict embodied in the social status and the social institution. By the deliberate thinking, it can be found that even nowadays the similar Utopian-style conflicts still exist. In some areas of the real world, women cannot get the same rights as men and the privileged people seem to enjoy more convenience. What’s more, under some social institutions which need to be improved, the countries’ development of the productivity is limited and people are suffering from the lack of freedom. They are the social issues worth of our thinking and our efforts to figure out feasible solutions.


Key words: Utopia; contradictory phenomena; social status; social institution; Utopian-style conflicts




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

2. The conflict embodied in the aspect of social status-3

  2.1 The status conflict between men and women-3

    2.1.1 Men and women’s status in Utopia-3

    2.1.2 The analysis of men and women’s unequal status-3

  2.2 The status conflict between the privileged people and the ordinary people-4

    2.2.1 The different treatment towards the privileged people and the ordinary people-4

    2.2.2 The analysis of the privileged people and the ordinary people’s unequal status-4

  2.3 The status conflict between the slaves and the non-slaves-4

    2.3.1 The treatment of the slaves in Utopia-4

    2.3.2 The analysis of the slaves and the non-slaves’ unequal status-5

3. The conflict embodied in the aspect of social institutions-6

  3.1 The conflict between the mode of production and development of the productivity in Utopia-6

    3.1.1 The mode of production in the society of Utopia-6

    3.1.2 The limitation of the productivity development in Utopia brought by the mode of production-6

  3.2 The conflict between the social order and discipline and people’s freedom-7

    3.2.1 The order and discipline the society in Utopia requires-7

    3.2.2 The limitation of people’s freedom in Utopia brought by the social order and discipline-7

4. The Utopian-style conflicts embodied in the reality-8

  4.1 The conflict embodied in the aspect of social status in the reality-8

    4.1.1 The problem of the status of men and women in the reality-8

    4.1.2 The problem of the status of the privileged people and ordinary people in the reality-8

    4.1.3 The solutions-9

  4.2 The conflicts embodied in the aspect of social institutions in the reality-9

    4.2.1 The conflicts between the mode of production and development of the productivity in the reality-9

    4.2.2 The conflicts between the social order and discipline and people’s freedom-10

    4.2.3 The solutions-10

5. Conclusion-11


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:When it comes to the word “Utopia”, the first thing that people come out from their mind is the idealized life there which is embodied in the aspects ranging from the social life to the country’s institutions. However, nothing is perfe......
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