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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-07
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Writing is one of the basic skills in language learning and it plays an important role in language performance. Thus, writing shouldn’t be neglected by teachers or students. However, in the process of English writing, the eighth grade students are always inevitably making different kinds of errors. In order to find out the types of the eighth grade students’ errors and causes of errors in English writing, the thesis is based on Error Analysis and Interlanguage Theory, researches on 134 compositions of examinations to classify the errors and analyze the causes of errors, with students’ questionnaires and teachers’ interviews as research instrument.

Based on James’ classification of errors, the thesis classified errors into substance errors, lexical errors and grammatical errors. After analyzing the errors, the thesis finds that inter-lingual, intra-lingual error and induced error are three main sources of errors and summarizes other errors. Following the discussions and findings above, the thesis puts forward accordingly some methods to improve the eighth grade students’ English writing.

Keywords: Error Analysis; classification; causes




摘  要


1.1-Background of the Study-1

1.2-Objective and Significance of the Study-2

1.2.1-Objective of the Study-2

1.2.2-Significance of the Study-2

2.-Literature Review-3

2.1-The Study of Error Analysis Abroad-3

2.2-The Study of Error Analysis at Home-4

2.3-The Limitations of Error Analysis Theory-4

2.4-Theoretical Framework-5


2.4.2-Error Analysis Theory-6

2.5-Research Framework-7

2.5.1-Classification of Errors-7

2.5.2-Classification of Error Analysis-8

3.-Research Methodology-9

3.1-Research Participants-9

3.2-Research Instruments-9

3.2.1-Composition Samples-9



3.3-Research Questions-10

3.4-Research Procedure-10

4.-Result Analysis and Discussion-11

4.1-Description and Classification of Errors-12

4.1.1-Substance Errors-12

4.1.2-Lexical Errors-13

4.1.3-Grammatical Errors-15

4.2-Reasons and Causes of Error-17

4.3-Results and Discussions of Interviews and Questionnaires-19



4.3.3-Findings of Other causes of Errors-21

5.-Suggestions of Improving the Eighth Grade Students’ English Writing-23

5.1-Suggestions of Teaching Methods-23

5.1.1-Improve Students’ Fundamental Knowledge about Target Language-23

5.1.2-Enhance Students’ Language Input and Scope-23

5.1.3-Reduce The Negative Transfer-23

5.2-Suggestions of Feedbacks-23


5.2.2-Peer Corrections-24

5.2.3-Collective Corrections-24

5.3-Suggestions of Students-24

5.3.1-Adjust to Have Good Habits-24

5.3.2-Strengthen Confidence and Interests in Writing-24


6.1-Findings of the Study-25

6.2-Limitations of the Study-25


Appendix A: Compositions-27

Appendix B: Questionnaires-29

Appendix C: Interviews-31

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:From the perspective of Chinese foreign language learners, writing is one of the four fundamental skills, including listening, reading and speaking. It is disputable that writing demands comprehensive application ability, which is one of the......
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