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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-07
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A Lost Lady, published in 1923, is viewed as one of Cather’s successful works in her late period. It describes the conflict between the generous, heroic and virtuous frontier men in the pioneering age and the cruel, greedy and petty men in modern society. This thesis focuses on the relationships between Marian and four men in A Lost Lady and employs Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory to analyze the protagonist Marian’s fate development. Then a conclusion is made that the deficiency and gratification of the five levels of needs indicate Marian’s survival at the transitional period and reveal heroin’s brave spirit and strong will for surviving between Pioneering Age and Modernist Age .


Keywords: Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, survival, four men relationships, Pioneering Age, Modernist Age




摘  要


1.The Author and the Novel-1

2 .Literature Review-1

3. Maslow's Hierarchy of Need-3

4. The Necessity and Aims of This Thesis-4

Chapter I Marian’s First Relationship with Her First Husband-5

Mr. Forrester-5

1.1 Physiological Needs-5

1.2 Safety Needs-5

1.3 Belongingness and Love Needs-6

1.4 Esteem Needs-6

1.5 A Brief Summary-7

Chapter II Mrs. Forrester’s Second Relationship with Her Lover Frank Ellinger-8

2.1 Physiological Needs-8

2.2 Safety Needs-8

2.3 Belogingness and Love Needs-9

2.4 A Brief Summary-9

Chapter III  Mrs. Forrester’s Third Relationship with Ivy Peter-10

3.1 Safety Needs-10

3.2 Belogingness and Love Needs-10

3.3 Esteem Needs-11

3.4 A Brief Summary-11

Chapter IV Mrs. Forrester’s FourthRelationship with Her Second Husband Henry Collins-12

4.1 Safety Needs-12

4.2 Belogingness and Love Needs-12

4.3 Esteem Needs-12

4.4 ABrief Summary-12



上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述: 《一个迷失的女人》出版于1923年,是凯瑟晚年比较成功的作品之一。它描述了开拓时代慷慨的、英勇的、正直的边疆人和现代主义社会残忍的、贪婪的、小气的人之间的冲突。本文关注......
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