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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-07
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With the development of economic globalization, companies of different countries are developing their business all around the world. Since China's accession to the WTO, innumerable foreign products have flooded into China. A trademark is a recognizable sign, design, or expression used by a business operator in order to identify the products or services from those of others. As a result, it plays an increasingly important role in this competition since it not only serves to distinguish goods or services from different providers, but also represents the reputations and the images of different enterprises. As a consequence, the translation of English trademarks into Chinese appears to be particularly important for those enterprises.


In this paper, I try to look into the application of Translation Aesthetics in trademark translation from an artistic and market economy perspective. I try to combine Translation Aesthetics and the methods of trademark translation together and take the “3-Beauty” theory and the principle of faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance as the standard to analyze some cases. The cases are classified into 3 types. The first is Transliteration with Translation Aesthetics and I take Pantene (潘婷) and Reebok (锐步) as examples; the second is Free Translation with Translation Aesthetics and I take Clear (清扬)and Walkman (随身听) as examples; the third is Translation Aesthetics of the combination of Transliteration with Free Translation and I take Jaguar(捷豹)and Lock & Lock(乐扣乐扣)as examples. I also discuss the possible reasons that may lead to the failure of trademark translations and demonstrate with an example (Make up forever(浮生若梦).


In the end, I made a conclusion of the things that need to be paid attention to during the trademark translation. And I think trademark translation is a process of transforming beauty and creating beauty, so it’s workable to combine the theories of Translation Aesthetics with the translation process of English trademarks into Chinese.


Keyword: trademark translation; translation aesthetics; cultural factors;Economic Globalization




摘  要


1.1 Background of the study-1

1.2 Purpose of the Study-1

1.3 Significance of the study-2

2.-Literature Review-3

2.1 Trademarks-3

2.1.1 Definition of Trademarks-3

2.1.2 Functions of Trademarks-3

2.1.3 The Commercial Value of Trademarks-3

2.2 Translation Aesthetics-4

2.2.1 Definition of Translation Aesthetics-4

2.2.2 Theories of Translation Aesthetics and that of Trademark Translation-4

2.2.3 The Commercial Value of Translation Aesthetics of English Trademarks into Chinese-5

3.-Applications of Translation Aesthetics to the trademark-6

3.1 An Analysis of English to Chinese Trademark Translation-6

3.2 Cases of Translation Aesthetics on Translation of English Trademarks into Chinese-7

3.3 Typical Aesthetic Problems in English-Chinese Translation of Trademarks-12



上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:The relationship between trademarks and products is just like face and people. Most of the time, a trademark always has a direct impact on the consumer's purchase of goods. If the trademark is good enough, customers will be attracted. If the......
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