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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-08
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Gone with the Wind is the only work that Margaret Mitchell, an American woman writer, has published in her lifetime. Since its publication, it remains to be one of the best sellers not only in US, but all over the world. The book that has been translated into more than 30 languages is regarded as a classical love story in the background of American Civil war.

The aim of this thesis is to present the process of the awakening and development of southern women’s self-consciousness when they try all means to survive in the new society largely made by the breakout of the war and post-war’s reconstruction; and show the significance of self-consciousness in people’s life. I will also pay attention to the other group of women like Melanie who are attached to the old times, tangle conventions and lost themselves in the male-dominated world forever.

Self-consciousness is part of the spiritual self on the self development, which is bound to show up, develop and be mature. It’s varying all the time, especially when one’s life encounters radical changes. In my thesis, I focus on the process of the awakening and development of southern women’s self-consciousness when they try all means to survive in the new society largely made by the breakout of the war and post-war’s reconstruction.

The success of Scarlett proved that women were capable of competing with men at all aspects and also conveyed the awakening of women’s self-consciousness and the requirement of freedom. The famous French writer Simone de Beauvoir proposes: “not born a woman, but becomes.” Gone with the Wind not only shows a new world for women, but also promotes the process of the awakening of women’s self-consciousness and female liberation movement, which firmly settles down its important position in the American novels, even all the novels in the world.


Key words: Gone with the Wind; Scarlett; self-consciousness; awakening; independence




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

1.1 Literarure Review-1

1.2 Summary-1

2. The Sleeping Self-consciousness of Southern Women before the Civil War-4

2.1 Economy-4

2.2 Culture-4

2.3 Marriage-5

3. The Changes of Southern Women’s Self-consciousness-7

3.1 The Awakening of Southern Woemn’s Self-consciousness-7

3.1.1 Scarlett-7 Scalett before the Civil War-7 Scalett during the Civil War-8 Scarlett after the Civil War-9

3.1.2 Other Women-10 Ellen O’Hara-10 Four Pillars in Atlanta-10

3.2 Melanie—the Typical Representative of the Female Group Whose Self-consciousness Is Still Sleeping-11

3.2.1 Melanie—A Great Lady-11

3.2.2 The Sleeping Self-consciousness of Melanie-13

4. Conclusion-14


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:The work’s theme. This novel got mixed responses. On the one hand, it was belittled in the academic circles; on the other hand, much praise and honor was given to it. . The American Encyclopedia believes that Gone With the Wind has describ......
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