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新旧“Go For It”教材文化导向对比分析_英语论文.docx

资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-08
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The new standard of English textbooks raises the importance of cultural factor , which also pushes the updating of English textbooks. In order to figure out the differences in culture between the old and new versions of Go For it, this paper evaluates these two version from five parts: internationality, macroscopical culture, microscopical culture, culture annotation and practice and homework. It figures out that both versions pay attention to inner circle culture and native culture but pay less attention to negative parts of society and typical features of times. Based on the findings, this paper advises editors to take contemporary events into consideration and decrease the passage which introduces countries from the traveling aspect. It also suggests that teachers should make a student-oriented class, use the textbook more flexible and push students to learn English through daily lives rather than just in the classroom.


Key words: English textbook; Go For It; culture




摘  要

1. The Definition of Culture-1

2. The Relationship between Language and Culture-1

3. Studies on Comparative Analysis in English Textbooks-2

4. Studies on Culture Teaching abroad and in China-4

5. Theoretical Framework-6

6. The Analysis and Evaluation of the Two Version about Culture-6

6.1 Internationality-7

6.1.1 Passages of Listening-7

6.1.2 Passages of Reading-9

6.2 Macroscopical Culture-10

6.2.1 Time Features-11

6.2.2 Typicality-12

6.2.3 The Different Arrangement of Cultural Difference-13

6.3 Microcosmical Culture-14

6.3.1 The Background of the Social Background-14

(i)Age and Work-14



6.3.2 The Place of the Activities-15

6.3.3 The Attitudes or Opinions of the Character.-16

6.4 Culture Annotation and Literature Appreciation-16

6.5 Practice and Homework.-16

7. Findings and Discussions-17

7.1 The Advantage of the New Version-17

7.2 The Disadvantage of the New Version-18

7.3 Advice for Teachers and Editors-19

7.3.1 Advice for Editors-19

7.3.2 Advice for Teachers-19

8. Conclusion-20

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:First, language and culture cannot be separated. Though as concepts, they are independent, it is commonly believed that language and culture are closely related to each other and depend on each other. “Language does not exist apart from cu......
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