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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-08
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With the penetration of globalization and the reformation of College Entrance Examination policy, English learning plays a more and more important role in people’s modern life---listening, speaking, reading, writing. English writing, especially, as the second way to express oneself, to communicate, takes up an significant part of students’ concern, and there are a great number of problems coming along, such as psychological blockage, intralingua error, which also attract relevant teachers and experts’ attention, regarded as the comprehensive ability of English using. This essay aims to analyse the current situation and existed studies of English writing, to find out the problems and come up with a reasonable way to solve them---ekphrasis. As a brand new way in teaching writing, it will change the stereotype of test-oriented writing, so as to cultivate students’ interest in English writing and improve their ability of observation, which in the long term, will benefit them in different kinds of writing.

Key words: English teaching; writing; problems; solution; ekphrasis




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

2. English Writing-1

2.1 Current Picture Writing Tasks in China-1

2.2 The Importance of English Writing-2

2.3 Recent Situation of English Writing in China-3

3. ekphrasis-3

3.1 The Definition and a Brief History of ekphrasis-3

3.2 Recent Study about ekphrasis Home and Abroad-4

3.3 Ekphrasis in English Writing-5

3.3.1 The Connection Between ekphrasis and English Writing-5

3.3.2 The Significance of Picture Writing (ekphrasis)-6

3.4 The Application of Ekphrasis-7

3.4.1 Current Picture Writing Tasks in China-7

3.4.2 New Ways of Applying Ekphrasis in English Writing-7

4. Discussion-13

5. Conclusion-14


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述: New English Curriculum 2011 advocates quality-oriented education and all-round learning. Therefore, a language teacher should focus on developing Students’ learning interests and positive attitude, cultivating their sense of the langua......
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