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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-08
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Early word learning is always thought a difficult task as children has not mature mechanism to solve multiple encounters in real learning situations. Accordingly, research on efficient mechanism of word learning has been developed, addressing cross-situational word learning. Recent research has highlighted ability of cross-situational word learning among adults, as well as in early word learning among school-aged children and addressed the mechanism underlying cross-situational learning process by presenting that the process is affected by contextual diversity. The present study tests cross-situational word learning among preschoolers at the age of 5 and 6 by presenting a series of trials with ambiguity. Children can learn word-referent mappings by attending to co-occurrence regularity across situations. The present study then shows that with higher frequencies children strengthen more association, learning more word-referent mappings.


Key words: cross-situational learning; word learning; co-occurrence frequency; strength of association




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-3

    2.1 Development of Research on Cross-situational Word Learning-3

    2.2 Two Important Studies to the Present Research-4

3. Experiment 1-5

    3.1 Introduction-5

    3.2 Method-5

    3.2.1 Participants-5

    3.2.2 Stimuli and Apparatus-5

    3.2.3 Design-5

    3.2.4 Procedure-6

    3.3 Result and Discussion-7

4. Experiment 2-9

    4.1 Introduction-9

    4.2 Method-9

    4.2.1 Participants-9

    4.2.2 Stimuli and Apparatus-9

    4.2.3 Design-9

    4.2.4 Procedure-10

    4.3 Results and Discussion-10

5. Experiment 3-12

    5.1 Introduction-12

    5.2 Method-12

    5.2.1 Participants-12

    5.2.2 Stimuli and Apparatus-12

    5.2.3 Design-12

    5.2.4 Procedure-12

    5.3 Results and Discussion-13

6. General Discussion-15

7. Conclusion-17


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Cross-situational word learning is a process covering many aspects with contextual influence, among which co-occurrence regularity plays a remarkably significant role. As learners have the ability of retaining information across situations, ......
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