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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-08
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Since situational teaching method came into being, it has gotten a wide range of concerns. As the basic thought and teaching direction in language teaching, it plays an important role in English teaching, especially in primary school English teaching. Studies on situational teaching is popular for scholars at home and abroad, the results of their researches have been fully applied in many practical teaching. Considering China’s current education conditions, this study aims to find out how the situation of Chinese English teaching adjusts with situational teaching method. Situational teaching method which has been adopted for many years, many teachers are quite familiar with its principles and patterns , but in some cases, teachers still can’ t apply it perfectly in the class. This study is going to analyze a sample class, and follow the teacher’ s every step to find out the possible reasons. By combining the analysis of teaching tasks design with the characteristics of Chinese primary school students and the questionnaire, this research will be able to find something new. On the one hand , it will help teachers to apply situational teaching method better in primary English teaching, on the other hand, it will help primary school students learn English more efficiently.


Keywords: primary school students, situational teaching method, English teaching




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

1.1 Background-1 

1.2 Research Questions and Meaning-2

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Basic Knowledge of Situational Teaching Method-2

    2.1.1 The Definition of Situational Teaching Method……-2

    2.1.2 The Principles of Situational Teaching Method……-3

 The Principle of Diversity……-3

 The Principle of Interest……-3

 The Principle of Benefit……-3

2.2 The Characteristics of Primary School Students……-3

    2. 2.1 The Cognitive Level of Primary School Students……-3

    2.2.2 The Psychological Characteristics of Primary School Students……-4

2.3 Researches of Situational Teaching Method -4

2.3.1 Researches of Situational Teaching Method in Western Countries-4

    2.3.2 Researches of Situational Teaching Method in China……-5

        2.3.3 Summary……-6

3. Research Procedures ……-6

   3.1 Research Methodology……-6

   3.2 Research Design……-7

   3.3 Research Questions……-7

   3.4 Case analysis of English teaching in Luoyang Primary School……-7

4. Data Analysis……-7

   4.1 Students' interest in English……-7

   4.2 Problems that Exit in Teaching……-8

       4.2.1 Lack Awareness of Situational Teaching……-8

       4.2.2 Lack Situational Teaching Material……-9

       4.2.3 Created Situations are not Satisfying……-10



Appendix I-13

Appendix II-14

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述: The English situational teaching method of primary school, according to psychological characteristic of students, offers as many as possible chances to carry an the exercises in English far students through opening various informative situa......
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