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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-08
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The aim of this study was threefold: (1) to see how EFL learners’ Emotional Intelligence (hereafter EI) status is in china and (2) whether there is any relationship between learners’ emotional intelligence and their achievement in listening comprehension, in addition (3) to discuss how we can improve EFL listening ability through developing their emotional intelligence.

There were 57 participants enrolled in the study. They were non-English major freshmen in HangZhou Normal University, China. Each of them was required to finish a listening ability test and TEIQue-ASF (Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Adolescent Short Form), a questionnaire for examining trait EI. According to the reliability requirement of TEIQue-ASF, 31 participants’ datum were acceptable in the study. Results revealed that 1) most of the Chinese college students’ EI was generally satisfactory, 2) EI has relatively positive relationships (r=0.633, p=0.000) between listening achievements. Further, how to improving EFL students listening achievement through EI way was discussed and some advice is given.


Keywords: listening comprehension, emotional intelligence, EFL learning




摘  要

1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Emotional Intelligence-2

2.2 Listening Comprehension-2

2.3 EI and Listening Comprehension-3

3. Method-5

3.1 Research Questions-5

3.2 Participants-5

3.3 Materials-5

3.3.1 EI Test-5

3.3.2 Listening Comprehension Test-6

3.4 Procedure-6

3.4.1 EI Test-6

3.4.2. Listening Comprehension Test-6

4. Results-7

4.1 Emotional Intelligence-7

4.2 Correlations-9

5. Discussion-11

5.1 Emotional Intelligence-11

5.2 Correlations-11

6. Conclusion-13


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:This study was significant in that it is not only the rare one that addressed such a topic in China, but also provides some fresh findings on the issue in the field. It offers valuable data for those who serve at the front line of foreign la......
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