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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-08
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Briefly, homework, tasks assigned by teachers that completed by students after class is a bridge of school education and family education. Moreover, homework which has been studied for many years at home and abroad is highly beneficial to the quality of English teaching and learning. The assignment of English homework is an integral part of teaching process in Junior high school. However, nowadays’ English education is more exam-oriented, and thus students are burden with the English homework. Therefore, it is necessary to do more studies to improve the assignment of English homework for Junior high school English classes. 

Here in this paper, using Fengtan middle school as an example, I collect the daily English homework assignments and hand out questionnaire for students to find out more effective ways to assign homework for students. Some suggestions are put forward. This study also specifies some basic notions, such as homework, assignment and presents the classifications of homework as well as the benefits and flaws of homework.


Keywords: English homework; assignment; Junior high school




摘  要

I. Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 Research Purpose-1

1.3 Research Significance-2

1.4 Framework of the paper-3

II. Literature Review-4

2.1 Notion of Homework Assignment-4

2.1.1 The Definition of Homework-4

2.1.2 The Definition of Assignment-4

2.2 The Classification of Homework Assignment-5

2.3 The Benefits and Flaws of Homework-5

2.3.1 The Benefits of Homework-5

2.3.2 The Flaws of Homework-6

2.4 Conclusion-6

III. Methodology-8

3.1 Research Questions-8

3.2 Participants-8

3.2 Instruments-8

3.3 Procedures and Data Collection-9

IV. Results and Data Analysis-10

4.1 English Homework Assignments Collection-10

4.2 Student Questionnaire-11

V. Conclusion-14

5.1 Findings-14

5.2 Suggestions-14

5.3 Limitations and Further Research Suggestions-17


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Years’ English education has also seen several shortcomings, and homework assignment is one of that should be promoted. At present, most Junior high school English homework are traditionally mainly copying words and phrases, reciting the t......
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