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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-12
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This thesis provides an analysis of Emma Watson’s speech in 2014 as the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador in the framework of Systemic-Functional Grammar put forward by M. A. K. Halliday. The study of public speech has been the focus of orators since ancient times. Until now in present day, there are quite a few books in regard to the practice of successful speech, in which useful speaking skills and tips are offered. However, conduct of investigation of speech from a linguistic point of view has not been paid much attention to as researches on improving speaking ability. As one of the most eminent linguistic theories in the 20th century, Systemic-Functional Grammar has been used to analyze speeches in the past decade. The thesis aims to dissect one of the successful and attention-drawing speeches concerning gender discrimination in recent years, in order to reveal its functional characteristics and to find out the possible reasons contributing to the production of it. The methodology of the thesis is a combination of both quantitative research and qualitative research. Quantitative analysis is used to present the functional features of the target speech with data and tables. And then qualitative research is carried out to explain and verify the results got from the quantitative one. On the whole, the research constructs analysis of the target speech in terms of the three meta-functions (ideational, interpersonal and textual function) under Systemic-Functional Grammar to probe into the relationship between choices of language and the supposed effects of them. Hopefully, a better understanding of the target speech and enrichment of the classical theory can be achieved.


Keywords: Public Speech; Systemic-Functional Grammar; Discourse Analysis




摘  要

Chapter 1 Introduction-1

1.1 Motivation and Objectives-1

1.2 Theoretical Approach-1

1.3 Overall Structure of the Paper-2

Chapter 2 Literature Review-3

2.1 Studies on Speech-3

2.2 Studies on SFG-3

2.3 Studies of Speech by Applying SFG-4

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework-5

3.1 Ideational Function-5

3.2 Interpersonal Function-7

3.3 Textual Function-8

Chapter 4 Analysis and Discussion of the Target Speech by Applying SFG-10

4.1 Introduction of the Target Speech-10

4.2 Dissection of the Ideational Function-11

4.2.1 Transitivity-11

4.2.2 Voice-12

4.3 Dissection of the Interpersonal Function-13

4.3.1 Mood-13

4.3.2 Modality-14

4.4 Dissection of the Textual Function-15

4.4.1 Thematic Structure-15

4.4.2 Thematic Progression Pattern-15

4.4.3 Cohesion-16

Chapter 5 Conclusion-18

5.1 Conclusion of Three Meta-functions-18

5.2 Suggestions for Further Research-19



上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Recent years have witnessed the wide spread of such speeches as TED speeches and President Obama’s speeches. What are the linguistic features of such a public speech? How does the speaker successfully effect communication with the audience......
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