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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-12
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 Language transfer is ubiquitous in second language acquisition. Under the trend of English learning of all, the subject about the negative transfer of mother tongue in English learning is given a more important meaning. It is expected that through this research, more effective strategies of English syntax learning can be concluded. 

    As it is known, most college students have been in the later period of English Learning, and their many habits of syntax using have been fixed now. Comparatively speaking, the syntax which is used improperly at present is the syntactic point, which is difficult to understand and acquire. Through their writing samples collected, the information of their abilities in different syntax using and the degree of negative transfer in different syntax items could be overall observe and collected. Therefore, under the instruction of contrastive analysis hypothesis, error analysis theory, interlanguage hypothesis and markedness theory, the data from 50 pieces of writing samples that were collected from 50 college students were analyzed and the results from 101 pieces of questionnaires that were sent to 101 college students were discussed. By these two research methods, what concrete negative syntax transfers that are easy to occur are discovered and summarized, and how the negative syntax transfer happens is explained. And after the analysis and discussion of the research results, the article puts forward some feasible teaching and learning advice, like contrastive teaching and learning, error analysis, progressive teaching and focusing on ZPD to reduce the influence of negative syntactic transfer of mother tongue and to help students study English syntax consciously and besides to help build up a self-monitoring learning system.

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:With the process of globalization, second language learning gets more and more attention in most countries. Extensive studies reveal that negative transfer of mother tongue is ubiquitous in second language acquisition. However, because of th......
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