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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-12
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Harry Potter, written by J.K. Rowling, is a series of magic novels which has been popular for nearly 20 years since the time when it was published in 1998. They mainly tell the growth of an orphan boy named Harry, the savior of the magic world. Nearly all people are impressed by Harry and Hermione: the first one is the savior of the magic world, the other one is almost the cleverest female character. Both of them cover the light of Ron Weasley, another best friend of Harry, making him less important. Some people even think that he is a fifth wheel in Harry Potter series. However, Ron is my favorite character, and I think that he is not only necessary to Harry’s success, but also the real hero in Harry Potter series. In order to support my idea, I divide my paper into three parts. In the first part, I choose some Ron’s obvious personalities, both negative and active, and give reasons why Ron has these personalities. Then I quote some definitions of hero from different people in my second part. In the last part, I combine Ron’s personalities with hero’s definitions firstly. Then I compare Ron with Malfoy and Harry respectively to show why Ron is a hero and why Hero Ron is real.  


Key Words: Ron Weasley; real hero; Harry Potter; growth process





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 The Overall Structure of the Thesis-1

2. Growth Process of Ron’s Personality-2

2.1 Most Obvious Personalities of Young Ron-2

2.1.1 Timidity and Braveness-2

2.1.2 Reasons for Personalities-2

2.2 Most Obvious Personalities of Teenage Ron-2

2.2.1 Inferiority, Jealousness and Impulsiveness-2

2.2.2 Braveness and Responsibility-3

2.2.3 Reasons for Personalities-3

2.3 The Obvious Personality of Adult Ron-4

3. Definitions of Hero-6

3.1 Child-hero-6

3.2 Pierre-E Lacocque’s Type of Hero-6

3.3 Ed MacDonald’s definition of Real Heroes-6

4. The Reason Why Ron is a “Real Hero”-8

4.1 The Reason why Ron is a Hero-8

4.1.1 Choices of Attitudes towards Friends-8

4.1.2 Choices of Attitudes towards Enemies-8

4.2 The reason why Hero Ron is real-9

4.2.1 The Maturity Process of Ron’s Heroism-9

4.2.1 Ron’s Heroic Behaviors-9

5. Conclusion-10


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:In order to support my idea that Ron is the real hero in Harry Potter series, I divided my paper into three parts. The first part is about the growth process of Ron. In this part, I choose to emphasize Ron’s maturity process to introduce h......
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