
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-13
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Jack.London is the writer of The Call of the Wild. He is an outstanding representative of American naturalists. The Call of the Wild is a novel with clear opinions of naturalism. Views of environmental determinism and survival of the fittest are fully expressed in Buck’s experience. The thesis will express naturalism in this novel from three parts. The first and second part will reflect indifference and degeneration of human society by contrastive analysis of Buck’s two different lifestyle in human society and natural environment. In addition, the characters of Hal and Thornton will be discussed to show the features of human society.The final part is Buck’s atavism. The thesis will discuss the reasons of Buck’s atavism. Then, the final part aims to warn people that people is a part of the nature. So people should build harmonious relationship between human society and nature. Besides, the thesis try to appeal to create a health and innocent society. 


 Keywords: naturalism; survival standards; environment; atavism





1.Introduction 1

1.1Introduction to Author1

1.2Introduction to Novel.1

2.Introduction to Naturalism2

2.1Standards of  Naturalism.3

2.1.1The Law of “Natural selection, survival of the fittest.”.3

2.1.2The Law of Club and Tooth.4

2.1.3The Law of Fangs4

3.Naturalism in The Call of the wild.5

3.1 Buck and Natural Environment.5

3.2 Buck and Social Environment.7

3.3 Buck’s Atavism.10



上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:Jack London who was born in San Francisco in America is a realistic writer. His social experience and living environment make most of his works socialistic and individualistic. He began to write novels when he was at the age of 24. However, ......
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