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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-13
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In modern society, the internet has become a way of life. People work in it, contact with it, living with it, happy for it, and worry it. Language is a mirror of society, people can’t live without language. Over the past decade, the emergence and development of the network language received extensive concern of linguists. Network buzzwords, just as its name implies, is a popular language on the Internet. It is the expression which conventionalized by the netizens. Some buzzwords have been eliminated, while some of them are still being used. What’s the sources of these internet buzzwords? What’s the significance of the internet buzzwords? And are there any characteristics of their development? These questions guide us to study. Based on previous studies, this paper did an analysis on the factors affecting the widespread of network buzzwords, main characteristics of the network buzzwords in recent ten years and the social impact of the network buzzwords were mainly studied. The thesis starts with an introduction to background information of network buzzwords, of which their relationship and difference have been displayed clear for us. The second part introduces the background, the objectives and significance of the network buzzwords. The third part introduces reasons why network buzzwords have been spread widely, which are Popularity of the Internet,Innovation of new expressions, Television programme and Network Paste Bar. After the detailed analysis of its sources and causes, in the fourth and fifth part, we focus on the features of network buzzwords and the social impact of them. The conclusions of this study are as follows: on one hand, the formation of network buzzwords is a combination of linguistic inheritance and innovation to some extent. On the other hand, because of its concision, humor, fashionable and cyclical features, the usage of network buzzwords save much time for audiences. But abuse formations also bring about vulgar linguistic phenomenon. Hence, we shouldn’t hinder their developments. We should be tolerant with these buzzwords and pay more attention to its development and changes. Network buzzwords is the language should be held on the correct attitude.


Keywords:network buzzwords;features;social influence





1. Introduction..1

  1.1 The background of the study1

  1.2 The purpose and significance of the study.1

  1.3 The structure of the paper..2

  2. Research Status2

  3. Factors Affecting the Widespread of Network Buzzwords..3 

  3.1 Popularity of the Internet3

  3.2 Innovation of new expressions4

  3.3 Television programme.4

  3.4 Network paste bar..5

  4. Main Characteristics of the Network Buzzwords in Recent Ten Years..6

  4.1 Combination of linguistic inheritance and innovation6

4.2 Economic effect..7

  4.3 Tendencies of popular and periodic..7

  4.4 Vulgar expression..9

  5. The Social Impact of the Network Buzzwords..10

  5.1 Positive of the network buzzwords.10

  5.2 Negative effects of the network buzzwords..10

  6. Conclusion11

  7. References.13

上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:As a lexical phenomenon, buzzwords reflect people’s widespread concern on problems and issues of specific periods of time in one country or one district. Different periods have different buzzwords. Network buzzwords just as its name implie......
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