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资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-15
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This paper intends to look at Jane Eyre from the perspective of the current research on feminism at home and abroad. Firstly, the paper introduces the development of feminism according to presenting the living conditions of Women in Victorian age. Then it focuses on analyzing the feminist theory embodied in Jane Eyre from the aspects of her rebellious spirit, her pursuit of equality, independence and true love. Finally, the paper ends with how the feminism embodied in Jane Eyre enlightens the modern women. 


Key words : Jane Eyre; feminism; equality; independence; rebellion






1.1 Background.5

1.1.1 Society5

1.1.2 Author.5

1.1.3 Novel.6

1.2 Significance.7

2.The Living Condition of Women in Victorian Age7

2.1The oppression of women in patriarchal society 7

2.2 The oppression in marriage, work and education.8

3.A Review of Feminism in 19th Century .9

3.1 The theory of gender equality9

3.2 The definition of feminism10

3.3 The development of feminism.11

3.4 The research of feminism on Jane Eyre.13

4.The Embodiment of Feminism in Jane Eyre.14

4.1 Pursuit of equality, independence and true love14

4.1.1 Equality.14

4.1.2 Independence15

4.1.3 True love15

4.2 Rebellious spirit for survival and self-esteem16

4.2.1 Survival.16

4.2.2 Self-esteem16


5.1 Enlightenment to modern women17

5.2 Limitations .18


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:The Industrial Revolution was the most representative one, which modified the whole structure of the society. Due to the economic development, Britain turned out to be a prosperous country, gaining its golden time. But it was also a period o......
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