
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-22
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In recent years, the problem of employment of English majors is becoming more and more severe and current English major with bleak prospect has immersed in depression. This paper picks some undergraduate colleges in Shandong Province as an example to analyze the reasons for the dilemma of English major, focusing on measures what the English major graduates in Newly-Built Universities and Colleges in Shandong adopt according to their own advantages and disadvantages.

    First of all, this paper refers to the theory of human capital and education stratification theory, based on literature analysis and empirical research methods through the English major junior students in Shandong Province to conduct a questionnaire aiming to English major existing problems and the employment quality of graduates. At the same time, it offers feasible guidance to Newly-Built Universities and Colleges and graduates with the purse of promising employment. Eventually, this study is conducive to aid English graduates reinforce own ability in resisting the employment risk but also assisting colleges and universities in consolidating teaching methods to satisfy  employers’ needs for the qualified employees.


Key words: Newly-Built Colleges and Universities; English Major; Current Situation of Employment







Chapter 1 Literature Review-2

1.1 The Theoretical Basis-2

1.1.1 Human Capital Theory-2

1.1.2 Educational Stratification Theory-2

1.2 The Current Study Situation-3

1.2.1 Foreign Studies-3

1.2.2 Domestic Studies-3

1.3 The Definition of Newly-Built Universities and Colleges-4

Chapter 2  Research Method-5

2.1 Respondents-5

2.2 Research Tool-5

2.3 Data Collecting Method-5

2.4 Data Analysis Method-5

Chapter 3 Results and Discussion-6

3.1 The Questionnaire Data Analysis-6

3.1.1 The Results of Survey-6

3.1.2 The Data Analysis-11

3.2 The Overall Analysis of Subjects Employment Quality-12

3.2.1 The Survey of Newly-Built Universities and Colleges Status-12

3.2.2 The Survey of English Major Graduates Status-12

3.3 The Analysis of Problems and Causes-13

3.3.1 Newly-Built Universities and Colleges Pattern-13

3.3.2 The Demand for Talents to Corporation-13

3.3.3 The Major Quality of Graduates-14

Chapter 4  The Solutions and Proposals-15

4.1 For Newly-Built Universities and Colleges-15

4.2 For English Major Graduates-16





上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:本文运用人力资本理论和教育分层理论的基础上,采用文献分析法和实证研究方法,通过对山东省内新建本科院校英语专业大三大四学生进行问卷调查,全面了解英语专业在人才培养方面存......
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