
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-26
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Samuel Barclay Beckett’s masterpiece Waiting for Godot perfectly represents the Theater of the Absurd. It is a comic study of philosophical uncertainty focusing on the absurdity of human existence which aroused numerous people’s resonance when it premiered at the Théâtre de Babylone. This play witnessed the inhumanity and cruelness of the World War II and the spirit crisis of western people, the real world and human condition at that time can clearly emerge in front of the contemporary men. With the passing of time, the play is acknowledged and recognized by many people.

Waiting for Godot is a two-act play without much of plot. This paper attempts to analyze the language features of Waiting for Godot from different aspects, further discussing the certain characteristics of the Theater of the Absurd. There is not a coherent story or significant action, nor is there a well-developed characterization. The language features of Waiting for Godot rebel against orthodoxy and have a unique style. This article tries to tell from three different levels, aiming at better revealing its language features.


Key words: waiting for Godot; the language features; absurdity





1 Introduction.5

 2 Betrayal: the abolishment of language logic6

2.1 The absurdity of dialogue.6

 2.2 The absurdity of plot10

  2.3 The absurdity of setting12

 3 Regression: the flyback of poetic image.15

3.1 The poetic background15

 3.2 The poetic characters .16

 3.3 The poetic structure16

 4 Reversal: facts hided behind comedy17

 5 Conclusion.18

上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:《等待戈多》是一部没有太多情节的两幕剧。本篇论文旨在从不同角度分析等待戈多的语言特色,进而深入探讨荒诞派的相关特点。它既没有连贯的故事情节,重要的举动,也没有发展......
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