
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-28
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Jack London is one of the most famous novelists of the 20th century in America. His famous short novel The Call of the Wild is one of Jack London’s most-read books around the world. It is more meaningful to study and research this literary work from the perspective of Ecological Ethics to arouse human’s ecological consciousness and advocate human to live harmoniously with nature. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is a brief introduction about the author, the novel and the study home and abroad. The second part gives a brief introduction about Ecological Ethics. The third part analyzes the ethical relationship between human and animals. It mainly talks about the unbalanced relationship and the harmonious relationship between Buck and its owners. The fourth part talks about the ethical relationship between human and nature. It focuses on human’s influence to nature and nature’s revenge on human, and advocates human beings to build up a harmonious ecological environment. The final part is the conclusion. It calls for human beings’ returning to nature, and advocates a harmonious relationship between human and nature.

    Key words: Jack London; The Call of the Wild; Ecological Ethics





1 Introduction1

2 Ecological Ethics2

3 Ethical relationship between human and animals4

   3.1 Unbalanced relationship. 4

   3.2 Harmonious relationship5

4 Ethical relationship between human and nature7

   4.1 Human’s influence on nature7

   4.2 Nature’s revenge on human.8

   4.3 Harmonious ecological environment9

5 Conclusion10


上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:本篇论文分成五部分,第一部分对作者、小说以及国内外研究综述进行简单的介绍。第二部分介绍了生态伦理学。第三部分主要研究和分析了《野性的呼唤》中巴克与其主人之间不平衡......
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