
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小6 更新时间:2013-06-18
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Effects of Games in Vocabulary Teaching for the Students in Grade Seven of Pubei Junior Middle School


摘  要


关键词:效果; 英语教学游戏; 七年级学生;浦贝中学



   As is well known, vocabulary is a very important factor in English learning. A good command of vocabulary is one of the main conditions in developing students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In my paper, I attempt to mainly discuss the effect of games in vocabulary teaching (GVT) on the 256 students in Pubei Junior Middle School in the rural area. Both the meaningful implications and its limitations are shown with the analysis of the data collected from the questionnaire.

Key words: effect; Games in Vocabulary Teaching; grade 7 Students; Pubei Junior Middle School




上传会员 小6 对本文的描述:As is well known, vocabulary is a very important factor in English learning. A good command of vocabulary is one of the main conditions in developing students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. In my paper,......
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