基于语料库的英语近义词辨析--claim, declare, announce为例.doc

资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-08
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Abstract: This study examines three synonyms in English, i.e. claim, declare and announce, concentrating on their lexical, syntactic, and stylistic information. The data were drawn from three learner’s dictionaries in comparison with the corpus-informed data. It has been discovered that the linguistic information from those dictionaries do not provide all thorough details of the words, e.g. grammatical patterns, collocations, etc. The corpus-based data seem to be useful as they contribute to supplying additional information nonexistent in the dictionaries. Furthermore, learners can search for more sample sentences of synonyms from corpora so that they will be able to have access to subtle meanings of them.


Keywords: English synonyms; corpus-based; learners’ dictionaries





1 Introduction-1

1.1 Background of Disambiguating Para-synonyms-1

1.2 Objectives of the Study-3

2  Concordance Features for Disambiguating Para-synonyms-3

2.1 Dialects-3

2.2 Style and Formality of the Context-4

2.3 Connotations-5

2.4 Grammatical Patterns-6

2.5 Collocations-6

3 Data Process and Analyses-7

3.1 Data Collection-7

3.2 Results-8

3.2.1 Claim-8

3.2.2 Declare-12

3.2.3 Announce-14

3.3 Analysis of the Results-17

3.3.1 Dialects-17

3.3.2 Style and Formality of the Context-17

3.3.3 Connotations-18

3.3.4 Grammatical Patterns-19

3.3.5 Collocations-21

4 Conclusion-23


上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本研究探讨英语中的三个近义词,即claim, declare 和announce,,着重研究这三个单词在词法,语法以及文体风格方面的差异。数据来自三个学习词典与语料库。据了解,我们所使用的学习词......
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