
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-15
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William Faulkner is one of the most famous modern authors of America in the nineteen centuries. He has completed nineteen novels and seventy five short novels, among which The Sound and the Fury is well-welcomed by scholars and readers from all countries in recent years. It tells the decline of a southern aristocratic family Compsons over thirty years since 1900s. Negro nursemaid Dilsey, though a secondary figure, plays an important role in unfolding plots and exploring the theme of the story. This paper will analyze Dilsey’s characters in three aspects of her kindness to vulnerable people, criticism on immorality and loyalty to family and God and thinks highly of Dilsey’s soul.


Key Words: William Faulkner; Dilsey; Kindness; Criticism; Loyalty





1 Introduction-1

1.1-William Faulkner-1

1.2-The Sound and the Fury-2

1.3-A brief literature review of The Sound and the Fury-3

2 Dilsey’s Kindness to Vulnerable Groups-5

2.1-To Miss Quentin-5

2.2-To Maury-6

2.3-To other black people-7

3 Dilsey’s Critical Attitude on Immorality-8

3.1-Mrs. Compson’s hypocrisy-8

3.2-Jason’s selfishness-9

4 Dilsey’s Loyalty to the Family and God-11

4.1-As a servant of the family-11

4.2-Her strong faith in God-12

5 Conclusion-14



上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:黑人女佣迪尔西是小说中的次要人物,但她却对维系小说结构、突显小说主题起着重要的作用。本文将从迪尔西对弱势群体的关爱、对反道德行为的批判以及对康普生家和上帝的忠诚三......
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