
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Freedom, personality, honesty, courage and hard work constitute the main characteristics of the American spirit. In the movie Forrest Gump, the concept of virtue is fully interpreted from a weak-minded youth who only run. Forrest Gump deals with problems in his unique way and affects people all around. The cause of his success lies in focusing on goal without distractions. Perhaps this is what we have to think about the meaning of the film again.


Keywords: Forrest Gump; Americanism; perseverance; enlightenment






2.Literature Review.1

2.1 Brief introduction to Forrest Gump.1

2.2 American mainstream cultural values.2

2.2.1 Individual freedom and self-reliance2

2.2.2 Equality of opportunity and competition3

2.2.3 Material wealth and hard work.3

3. Analysis of the Perseverance in Forrest Gump.4

3.1 The root of the perseverance in Americanism.4

3.1.1 Religious roots of the self-salvation.4

3.1.2 Ideological root of equality4

3.2 Analysis of perseverance of figures in Forrest Gump.5

3.2.1 Perseverance of Forrest Gump.5

3.2.2 Perseverance of Jenny6

3.2.3 Perseverance of Lieutenant Dan.6

4. Enlightenments from Forrest Gump.7

4.1 Positive mindset’s formation.7

4.2 Radicating objectives.8

4.3 Straightforward execution.9

4.4 Acting like aktionismus9

4.5 Persistence and concentration10

5. Conclusion11

Works Cited.12

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:在《阿甘正传》这部电影中,美德这一品质理念在一个只会跑的弱智少年身上得到了充分的诠释。阿甘以他独特的处理问题的方式影响了周围的所有的人。其成功的根源就在于他认定目......
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