
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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In English class, teacher talk is a tool for organizing teaching activities, an important means of controlling students’ classroom behaviors, and the carrier of language input. As a normal rule of language use, politeness has become an important topic of pragmatic research, which aims to weaken conflicts and contradictions for improvement of interpersonal relationship and harmony among people. In the present study, the author analyzes politeness in teacher talk in junior English class from the perspective of politeness principle with the purpose to find out how the politeness phenomenon is manifested in instructions, questioning and feedback-giving. Besides, the thesis also involves a detailed data analysis concerning teacher talk in junior English class based on an empirical study, in which problems about the employment of teacher talk are reflected and then some suggestions are put forward for junior English teachers to improve the effectiveness of teacher talk and enhance the teaching quality. 


Keywords: teacher talk; politeness principle; junior English class





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 Teacher Talk-1

2.2 Politeness-3

2.3 Previous Studies on Politeness in Teacher Talk-5

3. Politeness in Teacher Talk-6

3.1 Politeness in Instructions-6

3.2 Politeness in Questioning-7

3.3 Politeness in Feedback- giving-8

4. Analysis on Politeness Principle in Teacher Talk in Junior English Class-9

4.1 Questionnaire on Politeness Principle in Teacher Talk in Junior English Class-9

4.2 Problems-13

4.3 Suggestions-14

5. Conclusion-15

Works Cited-17

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文在实证研究的基础上,分析初中英语教师话语,指出在初中英语教学中,英语教师在运用教师话语方面存在的问题,并提出相关建议,从而完善英语教师课堂话语实效性,提高教学......
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