
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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As a means of discourse cohesion, English logical connectors play an important role in textual cohesion and coherence. So, researches on the misuse of logical connectors can help foreign language learners learn a second language and improve their understanding of language. However, the domestic and foreign scholars often takes a certain example as the research object when they analyze the misuse of logical connectors, while few of them explore the misuse of other logical connectors from the aspect of Error Analysis. Therefore, on the basis of the existing researches, this paper will explore the types and reasons of the misuse of logical connectors through collecting the resources and in the Error Analysis Theory, so as to provide some references for English learners to properly use logical connector.


Keywords: logical connectors; error analysis; cohesion





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 Logical Connectors-1

2.2 Error Analysis-3

2.3 Researches about the Analysis of the Errors in Logical Connectors-5

3. Analysis of Errors in Logical Connectors-6

3.1 Omission of Logical Connectors-6

3.2 Addition of Logical Connectors-7

3.3 Overrepresentation of Logical Connectors-8

3.4 Disordering of Logical Connectors-8

4. Causes for the Errors in logical connectors-9

4.1 Interference of Negative Transfer-9

4.2 Lack of Register Knowledge-10

4.3 Misdirection by Input-10

5. Conclusion-11

Works Cited-13

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:国内外学者在研究外语学习者逻辑连词使用时,较多选择某个逻辑词作为案例进行分析,很少学者探究从错误分析的角度来探讨逻辑连接词的使用。本文将通过搜集有关逻辑连接词使用......
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