
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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Body language is a means of nonverbal communication in the communication of mankind. In some special situations, it is more vivifying than verbal language and written language. Because of the differences of culture, the same behavior may have different meanings. Hence, there is another form of communication which is called nonverbal communication including body language, dress culture and proximal behavior. Body language is the most important and obvious means of nonverbal communication, which uses the behavior of body to express feelings, exchange information and state intention. This thesis discusses the cultural similarities and differences between China and western countries, and makes an in-depth research on the importance of body language in our daily life and its influences on cross-culture communication.


Key words: body language; culture difference; similarity; cause;





1. Introduction.1

2. Literature Review1

2.1 Researches on Body Language2

2.2 Researches on Culture.3

3. Concept and Functions of Body Language .3

3.1 Concept of Body Language3

3.2 Functions of Body Language .5

4.Cultural Similarities and Differences of Body Language between China and Western Countries .9

4.1 Similarities of Body Language between China and Western Countries 9

4.2 Differences of Body Language between China and Western Countries 9

5.Causes for the Differences of Body Language between China and     Western Countries 11

5.1 Culture.11

5.2 Religion Impact.12

5.3 History Influence.12

6. Conclusion.13

Works Cited.15

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:体态语是一种用肢体动作来表达情感、交流信息和说明意向的沟通手段。包括姿态、手势和其他非语言手段。与言语交际不同,非语言交际可以随着使用者的不同而产生变化。本文在探......
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